
Dr. Uday Kishore

Dr. Uday Kishore is a teacher and a scientist with special interest in innate immunity. He earned his BSc from S. P. Jain College, Sasaram, Bihar, MSc from Hindu College, Delhi, and PhD from the University of Delhi and CSIR Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, Delhi, India. After spending an year at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, San Diego, California as a NASA Fellow, he moved to the University of Oxford for the most part of his post-doctoral training, first at the MRC Immunochemistry Unit, Department of Biochemistry and then at the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, John Radcliffe Hospital. His previous positions include NASA fellow, Wellcome Trust International Fellow and Alexander Humboldt fellow. He is a recipient of MRC Investigator Prize, European Commission Young Scientist Prize, and Mother Teresa Excellence Award. Dr Kishore is an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology UK (FRSB) and Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists London (FRCPath). He was the Founder Director of the Centre for Infection, Immunity and Disease Mechanisms, Brunel University London, UK.